As Mother’s Day approaches each year, we often take time to celebrate and honor mothers and all the work they do.  

But we can’t just make it a one-day event — it’s essential to recognize that supporting mothers extends far beyond just 24 hours of appreciation.  

In the workforce, mothers face unique challenges that can impact their ability to thrive personally and professionally. From balancing work and family responsibilities to navigating biases and barriers, working mothers often need additional support to succeed. 

Here are some of the challenges that mothers face in the workforce — and ways that employers can provide meaningful support beyond Mother’s Day. 

1. Promote work-life balance 

Balancing the demands of work and family life is one of the most significant challenges that working mothers face. The pressure to excel in their careers while also being present for their families can lead to feelings of guilt, stress, and burnout. Employers can help by offering flexible work arrangements that allow mothers to adjust their schedules as needed. Whether it’s remote/hybrid work, flexible hours, or part-time opportunities, being open to different possibilities can enable mothers to better manage their work and family commitments. 

2. Provide opportunities for career advancement 

Taking time off for maternity leave or reducing work hours to care for children can impact a mother’s ability to advance in her career. Employers can help by implementing programs and initiatives to support the career development of working mothers. This may include mentorship programs, leadership training, and opportunities for skills development that allow mothers to continue progressing in their careers. 

3. Help lighten the mental load 

Mothers often carry the mental load of managing household tasks and family responsibilities, which can spill over into their career. Employers can provide support by offering employee assistance programs (EAPs) that include access to resources such as counseling, support groups, and parenting seminars. By addressing the mental health and well-being of working mothers, employers can help them better manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance. 

The point here: supporting mothers in the workforce goes beyond just one day of recognition. It requires ongoing commitment from employers to address the unique challenges that working mothers face and provide meaningful support year-round.

By offering flexible work arrangements, childcare assistance, career development opportunities, and prioritizing mental health and well-being, employers can create a more inclusive and supportive workplace where all employees, including working mothers, can thrive.